Frequently asked questions

Because planning a day trip, especially abroad, can be a challenge, we try to make it as convenient as possible for you. If you have a question, see if it is in the list of most frequently asked questions below and if that sufficiently answers it. Otherwise you can always contact us here.

What are the Paintball Jungle opening hours?

The paintball park is open 7 days a week, all year long! We open from 10am to 10pm. You do need to make a reservation in advance.

Where can I find Paintball Jungle ?

We are situated in Wormerveer, only 15 minutes away from the city centre of Amsterdam. (Here we describe your route).

Do need to reserve a spot before I can come and play?

Yes, you can only come and play if you made a reservation. You can do this via our booking form. If you had an impulse and want to come and play today, fill out the booking form and phone +31 – 20 613 11 29, so we are prepared for your arrival.

Do I get mixed with other groups?

At Paintball Jungle you have exclusive use of our playing fields. This means that you are not mixed with other visitors.

With what kind of paintball gun am I playing?

At Paintball Jungle you will always play with a semi-automatic paintball gun. This means that you can shoot repeatedly without reloading yourself between each shot (like with a pump action rifle, but faster). The gun shoots the paintballs using air compression.

If I am done shooting my first 100 paintballs, can I buy some more?

Because you always get unlimited playing time at Paintball Jungle, there is a possibility to buy additional paintballs. You can get our very sharply priced at the Jungle Bar!

Does paintball hurt?

Paintball does not hurt (much), but we have taken some precautions to make sure that it doesn’t. All our paintball guns shoot under the maximum velocity, we use a high quality paintball and our qualified marshals stay in the field during play to make sure participants do not shoot from close range. That way everybody will have a fun day!

Untill when can I cancel my booking?

You can cancel up untill 2 days before the event you book. If you cancel up untill 2 days of your event we will refund your booking minus 10% administration fees. If you cancel within 2 days of your event we will refund 50% of your booking price.

Why do I not get a refund of my entire booking?

Companies that handle payments ask us fees for every transaction. If we need to cancel events and refund this will cover transaction and administration fees. If you cancel within 2 days it will disrupt our planning, we’ll have to rearrange marshalls and reallocate any buy-ins necessary for your booking.